National Acoustic Laboratories Library

Refinement and Validation of the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire: An Application of Rasch Analysis and Traditional Psychometric Analysis Techniques

Refinement and Validation of the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire: An Application of Rasch Analysis and Traditional Psychometric Analysis Techniques

Objectives: The primary aim of this research was to refine and validate
the Social Participation Restrictions Questionnaire (SPaRQ). The SPaRQ
is a hearing-specific, patient-reported outcome measure that was originally
developed through consultation with adults with hearing loss, clinicians,
and researchers. This research comprised two studies. Study
1 aimed to assess the psychometric properties of the SPaRQ and to
improve these properties by amending the questionnaire (e.g., removing
items) as required. Study 2 aimed to validate the refined SPaRQ.

Classical test theory, Hearing loss, Outcome measurement, Psychometric analysis, Questionnaire validation, Rasch analysis, Social participation

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